

Cute meets crunchy: My wife found a good way to clean her silver jewelry. In my child's mind that consists of "wiping it and throwing it in the sink". Later that day … "what is that crunching sound in the garbage disposal?". Sounds like metal!

The key to running: I went running with Ada in the jogging stroller. My keys were in the back pocket of the stroller. I later realized there is a big hole in this mesh pocket. My keys have not been found.

Full of hot air: We have central air. Right now that means if you turn on the power to the heating and cooling system, the heat comes on. It doesn't matter if it's already 82 degrees in the house and the thermostat is set to 65 … the heat come on no matter what.

What else sucks?: Not the vacuum cleaner. Just stopped ... as if the powere went out ... HELLO!

A difficult lens with which to see life: Don't even get me started on how gravity affects a camera lens when it is attached to a camera when pavement is involved. Broken lens equals super-sad face.

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